What does it mean to live dangerously? Use to, the idea of living dangerously was much like that of the adventure of The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, to me. The life of a home-body, comfort-loving, hobbit-hermit who prides himself on beautiful things yet exchanges those comforts for an adventure that could, quite possibly, cost him his life. But, it was for a great cause: the survival of humanity, light conquering darkness and, of course, priceless freedom.
Living dangerously, to me, use to mean leaving your comfort zone for a great cause. An adventure that may cost you your life. However, my view has changed.
I watch. I watch all of the Bilbos of the world; in my neighborhood, my grocery stores, churches. Their view of danger was much like mine once was. But, when it hit me….I mean, really hit me…what living dangerously really was, I felt compelled to break the mold so precariously created to keep us comfortable in our idea of what danger is. For the believer, danger isn’t in an annual mission trip to a third world country. It’s not praying in school or sharing the gospel in public. Living dangerously isn’t fighting spiritual battles, reading your bible or praying whole-heartedly to move God’s hand. It is precisely the opposite. We are living dangerously when we are NOT doing these things.
As I sat in a church pew recently, I couldn’t help but notice so many people living dangerously. I watched and listened as they continued their routine of speaking of everything besides the sermon they just heard after they were released from service. They discussed their lunch plans, their holiday plans, their family’s newest additions and all of the beautiful things they look forward to. Then I began to search myself. I saw so many beautiful plans. My own plans. Plans and comforts are okay, unless they are ALL dangerous. I don’t want to live in the safe seat – it is dangerous. How many lives am I meant to reach for Christ? How many have I missed while sitting in the safe seat? How many prayers did I fail to utter, chances to read God’s word did I replace with busyness? How many mission causes- local or abroad -could I have afforded with the money I spent on pointless things? Danger is all around us and it is a safe place to be.
Let us learn to recognize true danger and its great cost. Let us choose to be uncomfortable where it counts most so that we, for Christ and His Kingdom’s cause, may be valiant instead.
“For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end, that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Hebrews 6:10-12